Couples / Marriage Counselling Newcastle

Couples counselling - marriage counsellor

Couples & Marriage Counselling - Newcastle Area

Going through a rough patch? Don’t give up! Relationship counselling may be the answer.  Couples can use counselling to help with:

•    Understanding their current relationship and the feelings they have for one another
•    Rediscovering what attracted them to each other at the beginning
•    Finding out their expectations from each other and from the relationship
•    Considering how each of them contributes to the relationship at the present time
•    Identifying what is required to make the relationship a success.

Our counsellors don't judge who is wrong or right in any situations. Neither do we tell the couple what they should do; and they don't encourage the couple to stay together or go their separate ways.

Having a significant other to share your life with is amazing; we all want to experience love and feel needed by another. There’s nothing better than looking into someone else’s eyes, knowing that they’ve got your back.

Just like anything else in life, there will be ebbs and flows when it comes to relationships. 

Bringing two people together can be a challenge; we all have different upbringings, different values, different ways of communicating and different habits that make us who we are. 

Despite all those differences, two people can still come together to live happy coexistent lives, but it takes work. Whether it’s the small things on a daily basis or the larger issues that arise, the best way to overcoming these challenges is dealing with them. 

Whether you’re in a straight, lesbian or gay relationship, there are bound to be issues that arise along the way. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, reaching out for help through relationship counselling may be the best way to go.  

How relationship counselling can help different types of relationships: 

While all types of relationships will most likely experience similar issues, some more distinct challenges may arise for different types of relationships. The most common relationship types we treat in our Newcastle rooms are below:

Lesbian Couples 

Relationship or marriage counselling encourages communication rather than avoidance in lesbian couples. Having and independent expert give you the tools to discuss issues, rather than avoid them is key to overcoming these challenges.  

Gay Couples 

Having a defined relationship from both sides is critical to a lasting relationship. Counselling can help each partner voice their frustrations, and ultimately work through the issues that arise so both partners are on the same page.  

Bisexual Relationships

A bisexual person can be attracted to men, women, transgender people, and/or genderqueer people, or just to one gender. 

Some subjects can be extremely difficult to discuss with significant others. Relationship counselling offers a safe place where an expert can guide both you and your partner along a path of understanding and openness. 

Transgender Relationships

Transgender relationships include one partner whose personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. Their partners may be present throughout their journey (exploration and/or transition), or they may enter later on. 

Sexual attraction or behaviour is an area that partners address when one person medically or socially transitions. Navigating the shifting dynamics of a partnership can be complicated, and it may become even more problematic if one or both partners' attraction changes.

Relationship or marriage counselling provides a space where both partners can express their fears, confusion or doubts, as well as discuss how the transition is affecting and will affect their relationship down the track.   

Straight Couples 

Don’t give up on your relationship easily, marriage or relationship counselling is worth the time and effort. If you believe that your relationship is worth saving then counselling will give you the tools you need to work on the aspects of your relationship that are failing. 

A relationship expert will provide a space where both sides can voice their frustrations, as well as work through resolving those issues. Cooks Hill Counselling are experienced in relationship counselling and can offer you a safe space to voice your issues.

Counselling for Divorcing or Separating Couples

Couples who are separating or divorcing can use counselling to handle anger and grief so that they can move on with their life with purpose and start planning for the future. 

Counselling will help with:

•    looking at how the relationship is changing
•    managing the loss and grief resulting from the breakdown of the relationship
•    assessing the actual value of anger
•    pinpointing the best way to separate
•    learning about acceptance and how to get it
•    dealing with single life again
•    gaining the courage to enter a new and lasting relationship.

Divorice or Separation Counselling
Same sex couple relationship counselling - Cooks Hill

LGBT Couples Counselling

Same-sex partners can create a happy and healthy relationship. Gay couple counselling can help to pinpoint negative and deep-seated bad habits in the relationship.

Same sex couples counselling will support the couple in producing a loving, respectful and nurturing relationship where feelings are respected and the couple’s relationship needs are met.
It can be challenging to build a happy and healthy relationship while negotiating some of the issues. Cooks Hill Counselling Psychologists are sensitive to same-sex relationship issues and can help a couple negotiate and resolve relationship issues with our Same Sex Relationships & Counselling.

Couples can work through difficult times by using a counsellor, who has no personal involvement, to help them deal with separation issues.

Most people actually live happy and fulfilled lives after the dissolution of the relationship. Some individuals choose to re-partner while some others don't. There isn't one answer that fits all situations.

Healthy, Happy Relationships

Some problems that counsellors address include sexual desire differences or no sexual desire at all, painful intercourse, erectile dysfunction or not being able to reach orgasm. 
Chronic illness, disability surgery, sexual abuse as a child, aging along with a number of other issues can negatively impact sexual functioning. If you’re facing challenges in your relationship, then you’re not alone. Whatever relationship you have, there is relationship counselling in Newcastle that can give you the tools you need to overcome these hurdles. 

Counselling is not only for straight couples, all types of relationships will benefit from marriage counselling in Newcastle. 

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