Anxiety Counselling

Anxiety Counselling: Getting Your Life Back with Cooks Hill Counsellors

Everyone gets a little scared from time to time. Whether it’s public speaking, taking an important test, or moving to a new home, feeling a bit anxious can be a  normal reaction to events.
But when the feeling becomes extreme or begins to affect your life, that’s a different case and can be a serious concern. One of Newcastle's most experienced anxiety counsellors, we can help you on your road to recovery.
Anxiety at work can cause many problems which affect all areas of your life. Talking about these problems can help you find a way though them.

Some of the techniques used during anxiety counselling are the following:

  •     Cognitive behavioral therapy
  •     Meditation
  •     Group therapy
  •     Relaxation techniques
  •     Stress management.

Anxiety Counselling at Cooks Hill

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety disorder is classified as an excessive fear or worry which prevents your ability to function in usual your usual daily activities. This debilitating worry and fear takes a toll on a person as it is constant and oftentimes overwhelming. 
Anxiety can stop you from making connections with people and carrying on with a normal, happy life.
How does a person know that he/ she is suffering from anxiety? We already know that it is characterised by unexplained, and often uncontrollable fear, but here are other signs that it could possibly be a disorder already. 

The following symptoms are common in patients who suffer from an anxiety disorder.
  • Excessive worrying
  • Tension of the muscles
  • Chronic indigestion
  • Inability to stay calm
  • Extremely self-conscious
  • Panic episodes
  • Phobias
  • Social anxiety
  • Problems falling asleep

It is important, however, to not jump to conclusions and self-diagnose. If you experience any or all of these symptoms, it is best to consult with a professional in order to confirm if you have an anxiety disorder.
What Causes Anxiety Disorders?

As far as pinpointing what causes the development of such a disorder, it is never a simple black-or-white case. Considering it concerns a person’s thoughts and feelings, internal issues as well as external factors, or a combination of both should be taken into account.

Why Anxiety Counselling?

The brain, as we all know, is a powerful thing. When it gets confused, everything the person does can be affected. But when it is given a clear direction, however, it allows you to cope well. This is the goal of anxiety counselling.

While medications may treat some of the symptoms, it does not solve the root cause of the problem. It is with anxiety counselling that a therapist helps an individual come to terms with the unknown fear, and eventually identify what’s causing it. By guiding a person with self-reflection, he/ she understands the problem better and develops appropriate responses to it.

Ultimately, the counsellor and the individual will work together to decide what will work best. After all, the goal of every type of counselling is to help a person become independent and live a healthy, fulfilling life.

Stress and Anxiety Counselling - Cooks Hill
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