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Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid After a Breakup

Mar 22, 2022

Here are some mistakes you should avoid in the first month after a breakup, and how to move forward with your life successfully.

Breakups are tough, no matter what the circumstances may be behind them. Whether you’re dealing with the pain of an expected breakup or the sudden devastation that comes with losing your partner to someone else, the experience can leave you completely lost and confused about what to do next. Here are some mistakes you should avoid in the first month after a breakup, and how to move forward with your life successfully.

1) Trying to Get them Back

Though your heart may still be broken, you need to get out there. Remember that old saying out of sight, out of mind? It is partially true—being able to avoid an ex makes it easier for you not to think about them as much. So, if you are trying to get over somebody, make sure you are active in other aspects of your life. Join clubs and make friends. Don’t let yourself fall into isolation and depression over your former relationship.

2) Oversharing on Social Media

It can be tempting to want to post about how you’re feeling, what you’re going through, and who you are currently crushing on. But posting too much about your ex or your relationship will only result in prying eyes from people close and even from strangers. They don’t need or care about your love life so don’t share it with them. The best thing to do is keep social media limited to happy posts that have nothing to do with anyone other than yourself. People will see those and think of you as confident, not desperate—and that confidence just might help heal your broken heart quicker.

3) Dwelling on your Previous Relationship

It’s easy to let old feelings of love and affection for your ex distract you from moving on. But remember, he or she is not part of your life anymore—so leave it at that! Try to devote some time each day doing something new and fun (instead of thinking about how great things used to be with your ex). You’ll get over him or her quicker if you stop looking back. Consider joining an activity group, like a sports league or yoga class. Go out with friends more often and surround yourself with positive influences who can encourage you to take action toward achieving your goals.

4) Getting into another Relationship Soo Soon

In some cases, you might find yourself ready for another relationship just as soon as your last one is over. This could be okay if you’re with someone you truly love and that person feels the same way about you. But if your ex wasn’t all that good for you—if he or she cheated on you, for example—then it would be more beneficial to give it some time before diving into another relationship. The most important thing is to make sure you are emotionally healthy enough before getting back out there. Your well-being should always come first when looking forward to something new.

5) Doing Nothing Because you Don’t Know where or how to Start Over

It’s easy to fall into depression and paralysis, but you don’t want that! In these early days of your single life, it is best to be active rather than inactive. And while you can’t just jump right back into dating—you need some time to heal and recharge emotionally—you should still be doing things that make you happy. Plus, staying active has been shown to improve mood and help people move on from relationships more quickly.

So go out with friends, take up a new hobby or join an activity group that meets regularly at a location near you (YMCA, anyone?). The key is to do something besides mope around; as Joan Didion put it: The future always looks good in other places. You never know where inspiration will strike next: A friend or coworker might introduce you to someone great.

6) Not giving them Space

You’ve just gone through one of life’s most emotionally exhausting and painful situations. You don’t need someone nagging you about being friends or asking how you feel. Keep them at arm’s length, at least for now. If they want space, let them have it. And if they don’t, that will likely become obvious as time goes on; keep your options open.

7) Social Media Stalking Them is Wrong

This is an easy mistake to make, and it’s also an easy mistake to fix. Even if you have every right to see what your ex is up to, there’s no reason for you to put yourself through that kind of pain. Stay away from their social media profiles and get some help finding other ways of dealing with your emotions. If you absolutely need something to feel like you’re staying connected, send them a text message or even leave them a voicemail! That way they don’t have to feel like they can ignore your messages completely.

8) Trying online dating right away

Online dating is great, but it’s not for everyone. In fact, some experts argue that rushing into an online-dating relationship too soon after a breakup can actually hinder your ability to make good decisions about who you date. Take time off from online dating and focus on building up your social life offline before jumping back into dating apps headfirst. Doing so will give you time to evaluate what went wrong with your previous relationship—and how much time you want to invest in making new relationships work out. That said, if you feel like jumping right back into searching for love online, then by all means do it! Only you know when you’re ready to try again. And remember: if at first you don’t succeed (read: find someone wonderful), don’t worry—it happens to all of us!

9) Being Hostile to your Ex

If you become hostile towards your ex, chances are it will end up hurting you. There are many ways of handling a split which don’t involve holding on to feelings of hostility and anger. Learning how to let go of these feelings will make it easier for you and give your ex-partner space to move on with their life as well.

10) Not Letting Yourself Grieve

When your relationship ends, you’re going to have a lot of pain and grief. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling bad or suppress your feelings—the most important thing is that you allow yourself to heal and move on. Give yourself permission to grieve without any judgment. (You may want some outside help.) If you try not to feel what you’re feeling, it will only end up affecting how long it takes for you move on—or if you do at all.

Get Counselling

Often, people fall into a hole when they break up with their partner. They can’t eat, sleep or concentrate at work. The best thing you can do is talk to someone about how you feel. A therapist can help you work through your feelings and get back on track; so if your heart has been broken, don’t let it destroy your entire life! Get counselling!

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